What We Do While We Wait...

5:34 PM
On our refrigerator is a very special list.  It's not a to-do list, or a grocery list, but a "Bring Sister Home" list.  This week we were able to cross off one more thing and have moved on to item #7: Wait for orphan Visa to be issued. 


I've decided that this process is a lot like giving birth.  The last week of pregnancy feels like it can creep on forever.  I keep reminding myself though, that God's timing is the right timing, and in my heart, I really am at peace.  To help pass the time, however, I've been giving myself "little" projects to stay busy.   

 Project #1 was finish Clara's quilt, (and I finally did.)

Project #2--Finish Sister's quilt, (obviously a work in progress.  The goal is to have it done before she comes home.

I've also been researching African hair/skin care.  This is like speaking a foreign language to my very white self, but I have finally made my first two purchases in this area. 

And then there's the shopping.  My two little girls are going to need some clothes!

And some more clothes.  (Hey, they were all on sale.  You can't beat $3 a piece.)

And since I've been doing all that buying, I've also got to do some selling.  This is a small portion of the massive pile that I'm tagging for the next Little Treasures sale. 

And when we're not doing any of that, we've been outside...because when it's 65 in January, that's where you should be.  

             (Nate had just thrown a ball in the air, and was anticipating being hit in the head.)

So, hopefully in about 3-4 weeks, things should be moving along quickly.  After obtaining the Visa, we can schedule a flight to bring her home!  I'll keep you posted! 

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