If adults acted like children...

3:05 PM
10.  We would stop and unroll any toilet paper that we come across.

9.  We would get a piece of candy every time we made it through the night without peeing in our beds.

8.  We would make grocery lists on sheets...in permanent marker.

7.  We would walk around naked because getting dressed without help is too hard.

6.  When we get dressed we would all wear Spiderman underwear.

5.  We would announce loudly "descriptive characteristics" of any stranger we see in public.  We would continue to repeat the offensive characteristic until we are certain the stranger has heard our assessment.

4.  We would forget our sister's name.  We will instead just call her "sister."

3.  We would pee in the bathtub...and wash with the same water.

2.  We would announce to everyone in the room when we have to go poo-poo.

1.  After going poo, we would come back and proudly announce the size and smell of the poo as well how many wipes it took to remove said poo.

(And yes, my kids have done all of these.)
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