The Sweet Prayers of a Two Year Old

11:25 PM
Our kids are so different.  While we are still waiting to see where Clara will fall, Ian is the spitting image of his Daddy in every way, and Nate is more like me than I want to admit.  This is evident in everything they do, but especially in their bedtime prayers. 

When Ian prays, it is almost as if he has made an itemized, organized list.  It is to the point and in a very neat, specific order.  He thanks God for Mommy and Daddy, then his siblings, and lastly his grandparents.  If he decides to pray for aunts and uncles, he must include all 6 of them. 

On the other hand, Nate prays with... shall we say a "free spirit."  He pinches his eyes closed as tight as he can and then prays for just about anything.  Tavis and I have such a difficult time not laughing out loud as he thanks God for everything that makes him happy.  So here are a few of my favorites. 

1.  "Thank you God for waffles.  Thank you God for pancakes.  Thank you God for Nana and Pappy.  Thank you for Nana and Pappy making pancakes. "

2.  Thank you for my 'dis (this) arm.  Thank you God for my 'dis other arm.   Thank you God for my short sleeves for my 'dis arm and for my short sleeves for my 'dis other arm. 

3.  Thank you God for my Uncle Mak (Matt) and Uncle Be-Nana. (Tavis' sister Davina.)

4.  Thank you God for Sarif.  (Aunt Sarah.)

5.  Thank you God for my little door.  (We think he means his closet.)

6.  Thank you God for getting in trouble.

7.  Thank you God for going with Daddy to play basketball.  Thank you for wearing short sleeves at basketball.  Thank you for Daddy winning basketball.  Thank you for all the basketballs. 

8.  Thank you God for bad guys.  (He knows when he gets sick there are bad guys in his body and that the good guys have to fight them off, but he always roots for the bad guys.)

9.  Thank you God for God.

10.  Thank you God for Daddy and Mommy and Daddy and Ian and Mommy and Sister, and Ian, and Daddy, and Clara, and Mommy, and (he looks at me) who else Mommy? 

We love our sweet and very different children!
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