The Perils of Potty Training

7:16 PM
Let me just begin this by saying that I used to work at a child development center. I have potty trained 18 children, 19 including Ian. That said, I have met my match... My two year old son, Nate.

I'm not exactly sure where we went wrong. Maybe it was the day Nate "kur-plunked" into the potty, his little feet straight up in the air and tushy wedged in the seat. Whatever it was, he is now terrified to go number two. I thought that maybe if we could just catch him in the act, we could show him how to sit and go and that would fix the problem.

So, I watched like a hawk. It took a few days to actually catch him red faced and grunting, but when I did I rushed him to the potty and sat him down. "Go ahead," I said, "finish going." I kid you not, 5 hours later he was still sitting there and I was at Walgreens buying a suppository to make him go.

It's several weeks later and still no real progress. Our last episode happened when big brother Ian came running to me yelling something about Nate pooping. (We have trained our oldest son to try and catch him in the act.) I went running into the bedroom to find that Nate had removed his pants and pooped directly on the floor. I am letting out a big sigh even as I write this.

So, I don't know what to do with him. I'm thinking maybe he just likes to poo standing up. I'm considering putting some newspaper on the floor in the bathroom like you would a puppy. At least it would be cheaper than diapers!
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